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Help with Your Job Search

Let us help you find your next job

Get tips for writing or refreshing your resume, taking the stress out of online or phone interviews, and more. All programs are online, and advance registration is required. After you register, we will email a link to join the event on the morning of the program.

We also encourage you to try our online resources for job seekers, available to you with your Northbrook library card. These tools provide live expert help to job seekers, online instructor-led courses, and other job searching tools. 

Virtual Programs: Job Skills

Find live and on-demand job skills workshops offered by area libraries on the CareerCollab website. You do not need a library card to access these programs.  

Online resources for job seekers

All of these online resources are available to you with your Northbrook library card. If you need help accessing these resources, please contact our Reference desk at 847-272-4873 or

Brainfuse JobNow

Get expert live feedback from a resume or interview coach, and access to resume templates, interview tips, and more. A Northbrook Library card is required to access this resource.

ReferenceUSA (for job seekers)

ReferenceUSA gives you access to over 10 job-searching tools such as interview tips, salary estimates, resume writing, and more. Learn how to use Reference USA to find a job.  A Northbrook Library card is required to access this resource.

LinkedIn Learning

Get full access to more than 16,000 videos and online courses on a wide variety of topics in management, leadership, marketing, social media, and more.  A Northbrook Library card is required to access this resource.